

Kite Surfing

Südost Asien

Arizona, USA


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Thank you officer

Last night i went jogging after dinner to see more of the surroundings and for my good conscience.
I ran through the cemetery where i saw a lot of ww2 victims and a 10 year old boy. It was really interesting to see but also a bit sad. After i went on i got kind of lost in the huge campus. i thought i am pretty familiar with it now but it was way bigger than expected. So i kind of did not know what to do because none of the road signs gave any helpful information to me. There are those emergency phones that are placed all over the campus to call the police if you are in danger but i was not sure if this really is an emergency. Finally i met a police officer on patrol whom i could ask for directions. Since it became kind of complicated he offered to give me a lift back to the dorms. So i ended up riding in a police car! Thank you officer. Next time i will take better care.

4 Kommentare:

  1. lol
    what an action
    you should make a hollywood movie with that story ;-)

    but good to know that you found home in one peace :-)

  2. Ihr seit schon süß!!! :)

  3. I actually wanted to write that underneath another post! Things like that happen to me all the time. I guess sh** happens ;) *lol*


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