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Italian Fashion

Absolute must-have: "The sleeping bag jacket"

We saw it everywhere! Those pictures are just a collection made in 20 minutes watching passing pedestrians, while enjoying a nice glass of prosecco at 13:00 in a street cafe in downtown Bologna. The down filled jacket can be worn by women and men. It comes in all colors of the rainbow. The vertical stripes are very flattering for all shapes and figures. You can still wear the jacket even when it is 20°C. If it really gets too warm and you must take it off, make sure to use it as a stylish accessory by tying it around your waist. 

Mariska and I were so fascinated by this trend and as real fashionistas decided to try out this trend item ourselves. In the United Colors of Beniton store we found the greatest range.

And now you also know why we gave those jackets the name sleeping bag jacket, since that is how they are sold. This leads us to another advantage of this fashion item. It can be rolled together and stored in a small bag, saving you a lot of space. Very practical when you travel a lot (like Mariska and I).

So what do you think?

We are not convinced and left the store empty handed. What good is this jacket in the Netherlands anyway without a hood. 

Brands to look out for

 Handbags & Luggage
The handbags and luggage made by Carpisa are very affordable and chic. The Bags are made from faux leather and plastic. The poppy colors make them a real eye catcher and transform a boring outfit into a fashion statement. http://www.carpisa.it/


Bata shoes is an international brand that offers you trendy and high quality shoes. The assortment ranges from sneakers, to loafers, heels and boots, for women as well as men. The modern materials and color tones complete your style. http://www.bata.com/

The make up brand Kiko convinces with affordable prices, good quality and an extensive range of colors. Mariska and I fell in love with the nail polish for only 1,95 Euro. We tested it and are very convinced. Definitely recommendable. http://www.kikocosmetics.co.uk/

Other Fashionable Do's & Don'ts

  • Check out other chicks from head to toe! (It might make them uncomfortable but it makes you totally Italian)
  • Embrace the smell of urine on the streets as natural perfume
  • French kiss your boyfriend for hours in public (even if you are not 14 anymore)


  • Buy a selfi-stick from the guys in the restaurants and on the street, that once sold roses
  • Expect public toilets to have a toilet seat, toilet paper or any other comfort a usual toilet offers
  • Think that cars will stop for you when you want to cross the road via a zebra crossing


Overall it seemed to us that there is some kind of switch in gender taking place in regard to fashion and styling. The Italian girls seemed rather boyish wearing jeans and sneakers. Where are the flirty dresses and the sexy heels? 
On the other hand, guys were clean shaven, sleek and well-groomed. They wear girly sleeping bag jackets and super tight jeans and t-shirts. Where are the sexy bad ass guys with beards and wild out-of-bed look hair? 

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