The Influence of Corporate Environmental and Social Responsibility on Financial Performance
—a Comparison Between the USA and the EU*
Tilburg University
School of Economics and Management
Master International Management
Finance Department
Supervisor: dr. M.F. Penas
2nd Reader: dr. J. Kuilman
School of Economics and Management
Master International Management
Finance Department
Supervisor: dr. M.F. Penas
2nd Reader: dr. J. Kuilman
Julia Pabst
Student nr. 782380
Date: 22.12.2014
Julia Pabst
Student nr. 782380
Date: 22.12.2014
This master thesis investigates the relationship of corporate social responsibility on financial performance for the years 2009-2013. It distinguishes between social and environmental performance and analysis data on a company level separately for the USA and the EU. The results of the regression analysis provide empirical evidence that social and environmental performance have a small but significant positive effect on firm performance (measured in Tobin’s Q) for the US and the EU. This research finds a moderating effect of integrated reporting for the EU and a moderating effect of rule of law for social performance in the US and the EU.
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