

Kite Surfing

Südost Asien

Arizona, USA


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3 nights and 2 days

On Thursday at 13:45 sharp we recorded Group B’s Live Show (which u can find under the link beneath).
Overall I am very satisfied with what we accomplished in these 3 weeks. Getting to know all the new equipment and finally producing a complete 20min live show all by ourselves. Unfortunately we had some little flaws concerning audio and cutting back from the package to the studio. But all in all a great experience. This workshop got my interested in production again! Now I don’t know if I should go for marketing or production but I still have a bit of time to figure things out.
And now that we completed our production workshop successfully we can party our ass off for the next 3 nights and 2 days.
But first some sports. At 6:30 everyone who was interested met at the Frisbee field to play Ultimate Frisbee. The goal of the game is to get the Frisbee in the opponents’ team’s end zone. You are not allowed to walk with the Frisbee and if your team member drops the Frisbee it’s the other teams turn. It is really a fun game you have to run a lot, be good in throwing and catching the Frisbee and also have some kind of strategy. I am gonna play D! How is “D” actually? Ohhh Defense ;)
After two hours I was pretty exhausted and we had to get ready for the party.
On the same evening we had a huge dorm party with all 40 people in two rooms. Kyle was our DJ and played a nice mix of electro and HipHop+Black music. Darryl dueled Tom and Davy in chugging beer. Of course the American (Darryl) won by fare. The Americans also introduced us to Beer Pong. Two teams on one table facing each other. Team A tries to throw the ping pong ball into one of the cups placed in front of team B. If team A is successful team B has to empty the cup that team A kicked the ball in. The team that has no more cups left in the end loses.
I wrote myself down for beer pong but there were so many people in front of me that we ran out of beer.
Friday we slept till lunch and at 13:00 we all met to watch all live shows from group A+B+C produced the day before. All the shows were a great success and very interesting to watch. In the end group A won the price for best live show.
After the screening of the live show we drove the Mormon Lake to hang out and have BBQ. Nicola, Silke, Melanie, Anne, Maggie and me decided to go horseback riding through the forest at the lake.
The cowboy that owns the horses asked us about our riding skills and how could handle a very active horse that constantly tries to go fast. Ahh I see one hand … right of course it was mine ;) So I got to ride Shilo a very active horse that likes to go fast. However that was not possible since our path was steam and rocky. Riding through the forest we saw a lot of untouched nature and even an elk. very impressive animal. Shilo kept me busy during the whole trip and after one hour I was looking forward to my burger! After dinner we had a little award ceremony and my team won the price for best package in group B. Now we can say we produced an award winning package ;)
Back from the lake we got ready to hit the karaoke bar Granny’s Closet that we already visited last Friday. This time I had to sing runaway train because the girls that wanted to sing the song did not even know the lyrics. But to together we managed more or LESS! Strange that they called out the last round after we sang! ;) Aferwards we went back to the dorms where we had a little surprise for group two that arrived about 2 hours ago in Flagstaff after a looong flight and 8 suit cases went missing. All you want to do after such an exhausting travel is sleep but that had to wait because we wanted to say HI! And so we did at 2:00 in the morning we went up to their floor and started banging against each door till someone opened up. To our surprise the people that opened where not our NHTV students from Breda but some American guys who look pretty (hot) angry at us in their boxer shorts. So we figured that this was the wrong floor. Finally we found the right floor and gave our fallow students a very loud and warm welcome in Flagstaff.
What a night!

Now I am gonna start packing and enjoy the sun shine. In the evenings we will play Ultimate Frisbee again and tomorrow at 13:30 we will leave to Phoenix airport to go back to Breda.

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